We offer organic products to help you every day

Moonchasers Medicinals is located in Southern Georgia, USA. We use small batch, all-organic ingredients to make essential oil (EO) signature solutions, including body care and aromatic well-being products. We offer consultation for custom-made EO blends and salves for specific health benefits.

Background: With an associate degree in Psychology and Business and a Bachelor of Science academic degree in natural health and nutrition, I worked in the behavioral health/substance abuse field and the aging/disability field. During this time, I studied natural health, nutrition, herbal, and aromatherapy courses online. I am certified in foundations of aromatherapy and I am currently working on aromatic scholars to become a registered and certified aromatherapist.

I was raised in Waycross, GA, home of the Okefenokee Swamp and birth of Gram Parsons. I left home for college, skipped around from cities to islands and landed back on the farm I grew up on. I love the nature that surrounds me in the forms of plants, flowers, horses and wildlife. 

Why Moonchaser: Every full moon, my husband, son, and I will sit in our treehouse facing east and watch the moon rise through the moss-filled trees and move across the night sky. It's mesmerizing to watch and think about how it affects our emotions, controls the waves, and comes to us in bright oranges or glowing whites. It was on one of those spectacular nights of moon watching when I realized I was a moonchaser, which became the inspiration for the name of my business.

Health journey: In my late 30s, I began having chronic health issues, including adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalances, and digestive issues. I found out I also had bad bacteria in my gut due to parasites which caused skin issues to aching joints. It was what I would call 'the opposite of fun'. After being diagnosed with cysts, fibroids and endometriosis, I had a hysterectomy. I began using a combination of frankincense and myrrh and the power of both properties helped minimize the pain and heal my body. My journey continues but is under control with the help of customized essential oils.

Focus: women’s health, digestive issues, skin issues and joint/pain. Creating customized blends for clients who suffer from issues such as psoriasis/eczema, shingles, menopausal symptoms or fibromyalgia has been very rewarding. I love to hear relaxed voices and see happy faces. I also create oil blends for animals which requires specific knowledge because not all oils can be used near or on animals. My priority remains on safe use, especially when it comes to children, animals, older adults, or anyone with a medical diagnosis.

I am continuously impressed by the powers of essential oils as I study to become a registered aromatherapist. You have my guarantee that I only select essential oils and lotions that are all organic and the suppliers use sustainable agriculture. My products are created in small batch so you know they haven’t been sitting in a storage facility or on a shelf for a long time.

Gratitude: I can't end my story without giving credit to Libby Gibson, Integrative Medicine NP, who guided me through my health issues and taught me how important it is to focus on a holistic approach to medicine with essential oils and better nutrition. I am not a health professional (doctor or nurse), but I offer guidance for optimal health through my extensive studies with herbs and essential oils.